Intuitive Tarot Workshop
In this 2 part workshop, Amanda will teach you how to read the tarot cards by your own intuition and psychic abilities. Part 2 will be held 2 weeks after Part 1. This will enable you to become a professional tarot reader if that is what you desire (after you practice…) or just for your family & friends...
You will need to bring:
1. A deck of your own tarot cards (if you have them).
2. A plate of food to share for lunch.
3. A notebook and pen.
4. A drink.
Part 1: Enquiries Welcome
Part 2: Enquiries Welcome
Part 1 - 10:00am – 2:00pm
Part 2 - 10:00am - 12:00pm
Amanda 0438267516
Energy Exchange:
Part 1 - $250.00
Part 2 - $180.00
Limited places available so please book early so you don’t miss out.
A $50 non-refundable deposit is payable when booking, and please feel free to take advantage of Amanda’s Lay-by service.